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Showing posts from October, 2017

3 Question October 20,2017

I have completed my case studies and notes for the integument system. I have completed foldables and flow chart to help with my learning of the skin. Also lately, I have completely reorganized my notebook so that it will be easier to located information. I have learned a lot in the past couple of weeks. I have learned the importance of the skin and its form and function for each layer. I also learned how to identify solutions in case studies. I have found it very helpful and educational to learn more in depth about the skin and its layer. Before learning about the Integument System, I did not know much about the skin, just that it is our first line of defense. And now I know why wrinkles are formed and how to identify the three types of burns. In these next couple of weeks, I plan to get a higher score on my test. I will do this by studying more frequently and completing work on time to devote more study hours. I plan to become more organized this time and to ask more questions.